50s design.

1950s design. Time after military instability and contradictory searches. It combines the striving for the technological simplicity of early pop art and the conservatism of modernism meters such as the late Picasso and Le Carbusier. The paradoxes of form-creation (heavy on light, massive on graceful) coexist with utilitarian simplicity and radical laconicism. In glass and textiles, the design language seeks enrichment in abstract expressionism.

Ле Карбюзье.

Робер Хамильтон.Комод.

Робин Дэй.Сервант.

Ганс Вагнер.Стул -вешалка.

Георг Нельсон.Обеденный стул.

Дино Мартен.Восточная ваза.


Рижский фарфоровый завод 1950х.

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