Silver beer goblet with Atlas on the lid and religious scenes on ivory. Lubeck. 17th century.

6500 EUR
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Silver beer goblet with Atlas on the lid and religious scenes on ivory. Lubeck. 17th century.

Beer cup, the holy Grail, in hammered silver with gilding, with Atlas on the hinged lid and carved religious scenes on a single piece of ivory on the body of the vessel. Includes scenes: the Fall, the sacrifices of Cain and Abel, the Transfiguration. Symbolizes deliverance from original sin and the salvation of the universe in divine light. The lid is decorated with Romanesque-Gothic ornaments with winged devils, hops and cornucopias. The margins and base of the mug bear a diamond-shaped design with half-figures of sea chimeras. The cast rocaille handle is equipped with a winged maiden and a shell-shaped finger rest. It is interesting that among the geographical names on the globe Riga is indicated, probably as a Hanseatic city in solidarity with Lübeck. On the basis of the product there are marks: probably from the 17th century, Lübeck - a double-headed eagle in a circle, a rectangular 13 lot mark and wood in a hexagonal shield - possibly the mark of the master. Height 23 cm. Total weight: 685 g. CITES Bone Certificate No. BA-S-0332023.
Condition: Good
Material: Silver, gilding, Ivory
Product sizes: Height - 23cm, Width - 18cm, Depth - 12.5cm
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
Style: Renaissance
Country: Germany
Period: 17th century
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