135. Unique vase "The Birth of Venus". Sevre

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Unique vase "The Birth of Venus". Sevre

Large porcelain vase "The Birth of Venus" with the stigma of the manufacturer "Sevre". Two-sided painting on an amphora of renaissance proportions of blue color with an ornament. In the head medallion "Birth of Venus”. She is in the shell with an arc of red fluttering fabric surrounded by cupids and music nymphs. Fresh wind accompanies her triumph. Both water and earth and bowels are subject to the goddess. The landscape on the far side hints at the future connection of Venus and Volcano, and the shell is driven by fish and birds.

On the back there is a magnificent bouquet of flowers with pears and plums; an indispensable attribute of the triumph of love and abundance.

Condition: Very good
Style: Louis XVI
Country: France
Period: 19th century
Warranty: Seller Warranty
Material: Gilding, Polychrome painting, Porcelain
Product sizes: Height - 42cm, Width - 25cm, Depth - 25cm
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
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