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Unique interior clock with a console, made in the Boulle style.
The watch is richly decorated with artistic elements of gilded bronze, as well as inlaid in the technique of Marquetry. A complete revision of the mechanism was carried out.
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
Item description is approximate automatic translation . is not responsible for translation errors. Show original text.
Часы с консолью в стиле Boulle. 19в.
Уникальные салонные часы с консолью в стиле Буль (Boulle).
Часы богато украшены художественными элементами из золоченной бронзы, а так же инкрустацией в технике Маркетри (Marketerie).
Проведена полная ревизия механизма.
machine translation
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