Holmstrom August Wilhelm (1829 - 1903)

August Wilhelm Holmström (1829 - 1903) was awarded the title of goldsmith in 1857. In the same year, he became a senior master of the Faberge firm, where he headed a precious stones workshop located on the 4th floor of the St. Petersburg branch of the firm, even during the leadership of the company′s founder Gustav Faberge, and a year later bought his own workshop on Gorokhovaya Street, but worked exclusively on Faberge company. For several decades, Holmström was responsible for the jewelery pieces, including Easter eggs. Performed one of the imperial Easter eggs (1892, jade with a diamond mesh). After the death of the master, the business was headed by his son Albert Voldemar.

Бриллиантовая тиара императрицы Екатерины Великой, Август Хольмстрем (мастерская Фаберже), ок. 1890

Портсигар, мастер Август Холмстрем, Санкт-Петербург

Брошь с сапфиром,, мастер Август Холмстрем, Санкт-Петербург

Портсигар,, мастер Август Холмстрем, Санкт-Петербург

Табакерка , мастер Август Холмстрем, Санкт-Петербург

Портсигар,, мастер Август Холмстрем, Санкт-Петербург

ТЕРМОМЕТР,, мастер Август Холмстрем, Санкт-Петербург

Мозаичное яйцо 1914,, мастер Август Холмстрем, Санкт-Петербург

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