Eclecticism. Historicism.

Eclecticism or Historicism is an era of historical quotations, where the slogan "Smart Choice" meant the selectivity of the best and the most appropriate for a specific case and task. Has consistently survived (with national variations): Neo-Greek, Neo-Gothic. Second Baroque. Pompeian style, Ottoman style, Neo-Romance, Neo-Renaissance, Neo-Byzantine and in particular Neo-Russian styles; and ends with a distinctive fusion of the time of Napoleon III. As a rule, it assumes a basic consistency of the classicist basis and baroque decor. Works with measure and proportions of styles in one piece. Offers a finely aged cocktail of various ingredients. Got a vivid embodiment in architecture, furniture and arts and crafts, and in the interior.



Особняк Игумнова на Якиманке.Не0-Русский стиль

Штакеншнейдер.Павильен часов.Нео-Ренесанс.

Второе Барокко.Интерьеры Эрмитажа.

Помпейски стиль.Интерьеры эрмитажа.

Нео-Классика.Интерьеры Эрмитажа.

Историзм интерьер.

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