Catchy and ironic silver figure Cat in Boots. Günther Grungessel. Hannau. 1883

12500 EUR
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Catchy and ironic silver figure Cat in Boots. Günther Grungessel. Hannau. 1883

An imposing, catchy and ironic silver figure with a movable head Cat in Boots. He continues the buffoonery of the fabulous looking-glass in the full-length figure of a cat - the manager of the balls, in a half-bow of the Marquis welcoming the guests. The skillful courtier, the arbiter of success, is presented with a staff, in a luridly elegant tailcoat, abundantly watered with colored buttons on cuffs, lapels, bows and folds. The picturesque variety of textures of wool and tailcoat satin is ironically complemented by beaten rodents, disavowing the essence of the hero. Solemn importance, almost vanity, on the verge of caricature, was betrayed by the master to the facial expression of the mustachioed majordomo, in the symmetry of new-strung ears and the astigmatism of bulging eyes. The symbiosis of the spirit of Charles Perrault and Lewis Carroll, outstanding in its invention and originality, is in the hands of Günther Grungessel, one of the outstanding masters of Hannau. Nominal stamp of the master in 1883: a bud of a blossoming rose. The rest of the marks are not identified. Height 47 cm. Total weight 2137 grams.
Condition: Good
Style: Eclecticism
Country: Austria
Period: 19th century
Warranty: Seller Warranty
Material: Silver
Product sizes: Height - 47cm, Width - 30cm, Depth - 15cm
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
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