318. Bust of a young girl.

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Bust of a young girl.

Biscuit bust of a girl. CHARLES LEVY & CO [PARIS PORCELAIN] (Charenton-le-Pont, Paris, France) - ca 1876 - 1881, last quarter of the 19th century. Depicts a romantic image, in a three-quarter spread, with an asymmetrical wreath of daisies and a picturesque braid on the shoulder. The gaze of gentle modesty is downcast and directed towards the flower, on a wide (riskily wide) neckline. The intrigue, between girlish rural modesty and potential flirtation, is spilled everywhere and is read in asymmetry: different-sized shoulders, a bow and a balancing braid, a classic ribbon and an impressionistic liberty of a wreath, a frontal order, and a profile artistic mess of a hairstyle. But the main subject of the work is the question - who will get this flower, on an almost untied dress? The idyll of rural life requires resolution in the erotic foreboding so skillfully noticed by the sculptor-impressionist.

Height:47.5 cm.

Condition: Good
Style: Eclecticism
Country: France
Period: 19th century
Warranty: Seller Warranty
Material: Biscuit (porcelain)
Product sizes: Height - 47.5cm, Width - 30cm, Depth - 18cm
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
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