Antiqon PRO – daudz līmeņu profesionāls serviss antikvariāta biznesa pārstāvjiem, kas veidots, ņemot vērā aktuālās eCommerce tendences un izšķirošos uzdevumus, kurus patstāvīgi risina kolekcionāri un mākslas tirgus pārstāvji. Antiqon PRO projekta dalībnieki - piedāvā profesionālus un kvalificētus dažādu veidu pakalpojumus , kā arī dažādu veidu restaurācijas, mākslas un senlietu jomā.
Successfully completed the programme of higher education in Lomonosov Moscow State University in the field of Fine Arts. Work practice in the Scientific Library of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. Work with a list of European books from the 16th-18th centuries. Participant of internships in the largest centres of world art - Florence, Amsterdam, Prague, Dresden, with the aim of studying the main stylistic features of works of art.
Specialization: decorative and applied arts, porcelain, jewellery. Education: 2017 - 2021, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Faculty: Fine Arts. Specialty: Art expert Experience : From 2021 - 2022 - internship at the Antiqon Center of Arts and Antiques From 2023 to present - art expert at the Antiqon Center of Arts and Antiques
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