
Realism is an artistic reflection of positivism. The path of the supersensible within the bounds of the certain. It repels and functions in the identified, proven, described, obviously and visibly present. Strictly believes in moral and ethical retribution and higher order. Into social progress. An act of art is understood as the percolation of the moral in visible simplicity. Where the spiritual is hidden, but is exposed in the labor of knowledge, the experience of the moral. In contrast to photo-realism and naturalism, it demonstrates selectivity, moral and ethical issues. It follows the chain: Narrative- (narration, story) -description (enumeration) -explanation-axiology- (assessment, character, position of the author). Realism in general can be called the art of the position of the author; social, moral, civil. Behind the frequent target of criticism and the goal of progress is the inferiority and injustice of the society of people. Realism as a standard convention of recognizability (likelihood) requires complex compositional decisions, socially active themes, consistent deployment of narrative, and regulation of themes.

В.Пукирев."Неравный брак".

В.Перов."Чаепитие в Мытищах".

Н.Крамской."Христос в пустыне".

Н.Крамской."Старичок лесовичек".


И.Репин."Не ждали".

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