Pair of seascapes. REGINALD SMITH (1855-1925). England.

6142 USD
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Pair of seascapes. REGINALD SMITH (1855-1925). England.

REGINALD SMITH (1855-1925). SCHEIDMUT BAY. Signature lower right. Canvas, oil. 82.5 cm x 69.5 cm. Watergate Bay - North Cornwall, pair, inscription on stretchers, plaques on paintings indicate artist`s dates 1870-1925. This is incorrect and has been confused with another artist of the same name.

Reginald Smith (1855-1925) was actually born Sydney Reginald Smith, but in the early 1880s he apparently abandoned Sydney in favor of Reginald. The artist was the son of a minister and was born in the small village of Bathiston, Somerset. According to the 1881 census, he had 3 villas. The artist made good money, as the family had one or two servants. Reginald died in Bristol in 1925. The artist exhibited 12 paintings at the Royal Academy, but mostly exhibited at local exhibitions at the Royal Cambrian Academy and the Royal Academy of the West of England. Throughout the 1890s and possibly later, Frost and Reid held exhibitions of his paintings in their galleries at 47 Queens Road in Bristol, and indeed both of these paintings bear their label. The artist became a member of the Royal Society of British Artists in 1895, and was also a member of the Royal Academy of the West of England and an associate member of the Royal Cambrian Academy. He painted in oils and watercolors, predominantly marine and coastal views.

Condition: Good
Material: Canvas, oil
Product sizes: Height - 82.5cm, Width - 69.5cm, Depth - 50cm
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
Style: Impressionism
Country: England
Period: At the turn of 19th -20th century
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