Order of the Crown of Italy

381 USD
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Order of the Crown of Italy

Order of the Crown of Italy (Italian Ordine della Corona dItalia) in a gift case, gold, enamel, 

Italy, 1868-1946, 55.1 x 50.9 mm, 15.90 g, no sample.

The Order of the Crown of Italy (Ordine della Corona dItalia) was an award of the Italian Kingdom. It was established by the King of Italy Victor Emmanuel II on February 20, 1868 in memory of the unification of Italy. The order was intended to reward civilians and military persons who committed, both Italians and foreigners, significant-good deeds that directly concern the interests of the nation. After 1946, the award was replaced by the Order of Merit for the Italian Republic, but until March 18, 1983, the end of his life, King Umberto II continued to award the Order of the Crown. In the hierarchy of the Orders of Italy, the Order of the Crown stands below the Order of St. Mauritius and Lazarus; in order to be awarded one degree or another of the Order of St. Maurice and Lazarus, it was necessary to have a similar degree of the Order of the Crown. The order had five degrees: Commander of the Order of the Crown of Italy; Officer of the Order of the Crown of Italy; Commander of the Order of the Crown of Italy; Grand Officer of the Order of the Crown of Italy; Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown of Italy. The number of knights of the order was established in 1885 by the son of Victor Emmanuel - King Umberto I. No more than 60 people could have a Grand Cross. The big officers cross - 500 people, the commanders cross - also 500, the officers - 2,000. The number of knights cross was not limited.

The badge of the order is the so-called Rupperts cross. It has flared ends and rounded edges. The four ends of the cross are connected by golden Savoy knots in the form of eights. In the center of the cross, in a blue circle filled with hot enamel, there is an image of the Iron Crown, inlaid with precious stones. The reverse of the badge is similar to the obverse, only in the central gold medallion, there is a Savoyard eagle on a goldfield. The diameter of the sign is 51 mm. The ribbon is red with a wide vertical white stripe in the middle. The holders of the two highest degrees of the order could wear an eight-pointed star.

Condition: Good
Material: Gold, Enamel, Fabrics
Product sizes: Height - 3.5cm, Width - 16cm, Depth - 19cm
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
Warranty: Seller Warranty
Country: Italy
Period: 20th century
Item description is approximate automatic translation . Antiqon.com is not responsible for translation errors. Show original text.
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