
Empire - a style in architecture, arts and crafts and fine arts of the first third of the XIX century. in European countries, which completed the development of classicism. The Empire style developed in France during the era of Napoleon Bonaparte, and then spread to many other countries. The distinctive features of this style are solemnity, splendor, massiveness of large volumes, richness of decor. Artists who create works in the Empire style drew their inspiration from the elements of antique ornament, but they (unlike classicism) were guided mainly by Greek, not Roman antiquity. The motives of decor and architecture in the art of the Empire style repeated in many respects not only Roman samples, but also ancient Egyptian art, in connection with the Egyptian campaign of Bonaparte. Empire architecture is characterized by monumentality, geometric correctness of volumes and integrity (triumphal arches, columns, palaces). The ceremonial palace interiors were richly decorated with picturesque panels inspired by Pompeian paintings, reliefs reminiscent of Egyptian sphinxes, vases, furniture and antique bronze. The decor was often overloaded with arabesques, palmettes, fantastic motives from Etruscan art and military paraphernalia of Roman origin (armor, shields, swords, wreaths, heraldic eagles, etc.). Empire through numerous attributes and symbols asserted the idea of imperial greatness.In Russia, the Empire style was most widespread in the city-planning ensembles of the center of St. Petersburg, designed by K. Rossi. In Moscow, many buildings and mansions were built in this style according to the designs of D. Battista and G. Gilardi and A. Grigoriev. In Russian sculpture, the Empire style was reflected in a number of monuments, for example, in the creation of I. Martos - the monument to K. Minin and Dm. Pozharsky on Red Square in MoscowThe founder of the Empire style is the painter Louis David, and the exponents of this style are the architects Charles Persier (1764–1838) and Pierre Fontaine (1762–1853). 

Портрет мадам Рекамье. Ж. Давид. 1800 г. Масло, 173 x 244 см. Лувр, Париж

Портрет мадам Рекамье. Ф. Жерар. 1805 г. Масло, 255 x 145 см. Музей Карнавале́, Париж

Кресло для короля Вильгельма IV. 1834 г.

Спальня, Павловский Дворец

Табурет. 1805 г., музей Виктории и Альберта, Лондон

Афинская пара (раковины). Поздний ампир по проекту Шарля Персье (1764–1838 гг.) и Пьера Фонтена (1762–1853 гг.)

Кресло, Ч. Перкир и П. Фонтэн

Первая половина XIX века Санкт-Петербург Красное дерево, резьба, золочение, окраска по левкасу. Кресло: 97х63х69 (каждое) диван: 145х190х66. Государственный Русский музей

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