Bronze By Antoine-Louis BARYE (1795-1875) Panthère De Tunis N°1

2778 EUR
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Bronze By Antoine-Louis BARYE (1795-1875) Panthère De Tunis N°1

Very beautiful bronze proof with brown patina nuanced with black representing an observing panther, crouching on a rock. Old proof signed BARYE on the side of the terrace, at the front, on the left, published and signed F.Barbedienne Fondeur. Remarkable quality of the patina and carving. First edition: around 1860 Plaster model: Paris, Fabius collection Bibliography: Poletti & Richarme, Antoine Louis BARYE Catalog raisonné, Paris, Gallimard edition, page 221 Period: 1890 Origin: France, Paris
Condition: Perfect condition
Style: Romanticism
Country: France
Warranty: Seller Warranty
Material: Bronze
Product sizes: Depth - 9.4cm, Height - 12.4cm, Width - 27cm
Period: 19th century
Origination of the item : Private seller
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