258. Pair of chests of drawers. Murano glass. 1980

live_auctionLive Fine and Applied Art Auction № 9 - Part I Lot: 1-300
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Pair of chests of drawers. Murano glass. 1980

Pair of designer Murano glass chests of drawers. 1980. They have a wooden base, lined with a brass frame with cherry and black glass. Its ribbon pattern and striking handles are reminiscent of heraldic initials, flags or a wrapped gift. At the same time, they refer to the iconic wealth of the brands. Faceted glass legs with gilded bronze rods and support knobs add special charm and lightness. 95x100x45 cm
Condition: Good, with traces of use
Material: Glass, wood
Product sizes: Height - 95cm, Width - 100cm, Depth - 45cm
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
Warranty: Seller Warranty
Country: Italy
Period: 20th century
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