855. Mythological scene Cup of Ceres. Frans Floris de Vriendt.

live_auctionLive Fine and Applied Art Auction № 9 - Part III. Lot : 701-1100
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Mythological scene Cup of Ceres. Frans Floris de Vriendt.

Frans Floris de Vriendt - Flemish painter (? 1517 - Antwerp 1570). Member of the Guild of Saint Luke in Antwerp.

Mythological scene The Cup of Ceres (Terenz, Eunuch IV, 5: Sine Cerere et Libero friget Venus). The triangular composition of two women and a faun turning towards them is complemented by a cupid and a servant with fruit. In the center of the triangle is a transparent vessel, a compositional and semantic center. Its symbolic content, probably the spirit of love and life, is passed on and gratefully received. The line of gifts produces a perpendicular diagonal to the axis of giving - which unites the material and spiritual principles of gifts.

Provenance: the first mention of the work is noted in 1618 with inventory number 484 in one of the private residences of Munich, as the work of the seminary Tizian-Werkstatt. In 1792, a mention of the purchase of a painting from Kurfürst Carl Theodor for the Bavarian State Painting Collection with inventory number 10390.

Attribution: Copy of Dr. Ernst Wengenmayer, Munich December 7, 1962 Authenticity of the painting was verified, the authorship of the Flemish painter was revealed: Frans Floris de Vriendt

Condition: Satisfactory
Style: Renaissance
Country: Holland
Period: 16th century
Warranty: Expertise
Material: Wood
Product sizes: Height - 112cm, Width - 150cm, Depth - 10cm
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
Origination of the item : Private seller
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